This database contains information provided by vendors that submitted a Vendor Registration Form as a Subcontractor, AE Specialty Consultant, or Supplier or an Application for Prequalification as an AE, Contractor, or Construction Manager. The search includes all vendors either registered or prequalified with CDB. To search a specific vendor such as "Contractor," enter the name of the vendor (text search not specific), select the vendor type(s) and click on Query. In the results returned, Click on the next to the Vendor ID to expand the specific information related to the vendor.
Regarding Vendor Types, only AE, Contractor and Construction Manager are prequalified with the CDB. The remaining vendor types (Subcontractor, AE Specialty Consultant, and Supplier) are registered with the CDB, but are not prequalified.
Vendors must be prequalified prior to bidding or providing applications for selection as the Prime or AE to perform licensed design services on a project.
To bid single prime projects, only prequalified Contractors can be used as a Protected Subcontractor. To verify a vendor can be used as a Protected Subcontractor, enter Vendor Name, and select Contractor. In the results returned, Click on the next to the Vendor ID to expand the specific information related to the vendor. Prequalified will be listed in the expanded specific information showing Contractor.
Please contact Prequalification at if there are any questions or concerns regarding a vendor's status.
It is the responsibility of the vendor using this database to verify the information provided by vendors herein is accurate and correct at the time of bid or submittal. The information contained in this database is for informational use only. Minority, Women, and Veteran Business Enterprises are certified by the Illinois Commission on Equity and Inclusion (CEI). The Illinois Commission on Equity and Inclusion database containing the current certification status of these business enterprises can be found here.