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Illinois Energy Codes

Illinois Energy Conservation Code (20 ILCS 3125/15)

The Illinois Energy Conservation Code requires design and construction professionals to follow the latest published edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) including amendments adopted by CDB for all commercial and residential buildings in the State.


Illinois Stretch Energy Code (20 ILCS 3125/55)

The Illinois Stretch Energy Code allows municipalities and projects authorized or funded by the Board to achieve more energy efficiency in buildings than the Illinois Energy Conservation Code through a consistent pathway across the State.

Additional information including training opportunities, interpretations and frequently asked questions can be found on the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's website.

Upcoming Training Opportunities for Illinois Energy Codes are being provided by the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center.  For more information, please use the following link:

Contact Information

Robert Coslow
Phone: 217-685-4079
TDD: 217-524-4449
