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Grayslake Salt Storage Facility

September 15, 2020
At their regularly scheduled meeting on September 15, 2020 the Capital Development Board approved the Design-Build Selection Committee's recommendation to award the contract to Tri-State Construction.

Phase II Submittals
Submittals were received from the following firms on July 28, 2020:

Boller Construction
FH Paschen/SN Nielson & Associates (Submittal was rejected because it was received after the deadline.)
Tri-State Enterprises

The following firms were shortlisted by the committee on June 17, 2020 to participate in Phase II:
Boller Construction
FH Paschen/SN Nielsen & Associates
Tri-State Enterprises

PHASE I Submittals
Submittals were received from the following firms on March 4, 2020:

Boller Construction
FH Paschen/SN Nielsen & Associates
Tri-State Enterprises


The Capital Development Board ("CDB") intends to issue (on or after January 29, 2020) a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following Design-Build project:

CDB Project No. 630-012-004
Department of Transportation
Construct Salt Storage Facility
Grayslake, Lake County, Illinois
Project Budget - $2,100,000.00

Pre-Proposal Meeting

There will be a Pre-Proposal Meeting held at 10:00am on February 5, 2020 at the IDOT Grayslake Yard located at 219 Barron Boulevard, Grayslake, Illinois 60030.

PowerPoint from February 5th Pre-Proposal Meeting

Attendance List from February 5th Pre-Proposal Meeting

Meeting Minutes from February 5th Pre-Proposal Meeting

RFI's with Responses:

Updated​ February 18, 2020

We were unable to attend today’s pre-proposal meeting at the IDOT Grayslake Yard. Will the list of attendees be made available via email or on the CDB website for possible teaming opportunities?

This has been posted.

The link to the attendance sheet for the prebid meeting for this project has the incorrect document linked to it. Can the attendance sheet be uploaded online to the project documents page?​

​This has been corrected.​

Please correct the posted Pre Bid Attendance list.​

​This has been corrected.​

Updated February 25, 2020​

On the Design-Build Entity Qualifications Statement (DBQ), under letter C. for the Proposed Team we need clarification on what is to be listed for the items labeled “Design Firm Registration Number or Apprenticeship and Training Program” if the offeror (Design Build Entity) is the Design/Build General Trades Contractor and not part of the Architect and Engineer Team. Do we simply just list “Yes” if we provide union labor that has Apprenticeship and Training Programs in place?

If the Firm is a design firm providing architectural or engineering services, their Design Firm Registration Number(s) should be provided. Additionally, if the Firm is a contractor or sub-contractor all apprenticeship training program numbers should be provided for all trades that the firm will engage with. The only Yes or No responses for this section are whether or not the Firm is a Joint-Venture Partner or if they are Certified by CMS as an MBE/WBE/VBE firm.

On the Design-Build Entity Qualifications Statement (DBQ), under letter C. for the Proposed Team – please confirm that we are not required to list our protected prime subcontractors per Section 30-30 of the Illinois Procurement Code due to the fact that those specific subcontractors are required to be listed in the Phase 2 Requirements per the DB-PTF.

Those Firms may be identified in the Phase I submittal, but they are required to be identified in the Phase II submittal. Including them at the time of the Phase I submittal may provide a more complete picture of the overall project team to the selection committee but they are not required until Phase II.

On the Design-Build Entity Qualifications Statement (DBQ), under letter C. for the Proposed Team – please confirm that the offeror (Design Build Entity) is required to list the Architect and Engineer on the Phase 1 submittal if we are submitting an offer based on being a Design/Build General Trades Contractor.

The Primary goal of the Phase I submittal is to present the qualifications of the Design-Build Entity with a focus on the Offeror and their Design Team. Failure to include a design team would subject the submittal to material deficiencies related to reference requirements resulting in the likely rejection of the submittal.

Please confirm that we are to only identify the MBE/WBE/VBE firms associated with the Design Team with the Phase I utilization plan? Please also confirm that the percentages listed for Phase I Utilization Plan is only applicable to the design cost of the project and not the overall cost of the entire project (design + construction).

The design goals listed in the MBE/WBE/VBE Past Performance Phase I Utilization Plan apply to the design team only.  As stated on the form, the percentages listed apply to the total “amount of the contract awarded by CDB”, not the percentage of the offeror’s proposed design costs.

Please advise if a bid bond is required to be submitted with Phase 1 submission.

No, a bid bond is not required as part of the Phase I submittal. Section 4 of the Phase I submittal must include information concerning the Offeror’s ability to secure payment and performance bonds for the project. This is typically a letter from the Offeror’s Surety outlining total and available bonding capacity. A bid bond is required as part of the Phase II submittal.

​​Updated February 26, 2020

Page 2 of the DB-PTF includes both Phase 1 Requirements and Phase 2 Requirements. Please confirm that the DB-PTF form only needs be completed for Phase 1 Requirements at this time. Re: DB-PTF page 2

​This form was updated with Amendment 1 to remove the reference to Phase 2 Requirements. Contractors may be identified in the Phase I submittal but they are required to be identified in the Phase II submittal. Including them at the time of the Phase I submittal may provide a more complete picture of the overall project team to the selection committee but they are not required until Phase II.

Updated May 21, 2020​

​Do you know when firms will be notified if they were shortlisted to participate in Phase 2?

​The selection committee has not yet met to shortlist firms to move on to Phase II. At the present time there is a tentative schedule that has the committee meeting on June 17th. If we are able to maintain that date then all firms should receive written verification as to whether or not they have been shortlisted the following day.

Updated July 22, 2020​

In regards to CDB Project #630-012-004 we are in need of the following additional information: Spec Section 02 61 13 - Excavation & Handling of Regulated Substances, 1.4 Reference, A - indicates the preliminary site investigation report is available upon request. Please provide these documents. Spec Section 02 61 13 - Excavation & Handling of Regulated Substances, 1.4 Reference, E - indicates the IEPA Form LPC-663 is available upon request. Please provide these documents. Spec Section 02 61 13 - Excavation & Handling of Regulated Substances, 3.4 Regulated Substances Management and Disposal - this section reference many coordinates with distances to identify different material types within the jobsite. Please provide a map showing these coordinates so we can determine what soils types are present in what areas. Please advise if the bridging document drawing CAD files will become availa

  1. See Amendment No. 4.
  2. See Amendment No. 4.
  3. See Amendment No. 4.
  4. Yes, the drawing CAD files will be available to the successful team.

​In regards to CDB Project #630-012-004 we are in need of the following additional information: Please advise what IDOT's start and end date of snow season is. Soil Borings Log - On page 4 of the TSC Soil Boring Report the table lists Boring #4 ground surface elevation of 785.5 and the 3000 psf design bearing elevation of 785.5. Please review and advise if this is correct as the table also indicates the depth of 3000 PSF design bearing soils is 3.0 feet. Soil Borings Log - On page 4 of the TSC Soil Boring Report the table lists Boring #6 ground surface elevation of 786.0 and the 3000 psf design bearing elevation of 783.5. Please review and advise if this is correct as the table also indicates the depth of 3000 PSF design bearing soils is 1.5 feet. Your timely response is highly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

  1. October 15th to April 15th.
  2. See Amendment No. 4.
  3.  See Amendment No. 4.

Below is an RFI that we have for CDB Project # 630-012-004 Construct Salt Storage Facility: Please advise if we are able to get the documents stated under the bridging documents project manual specification section 02 61 13 page 2 that are available upon request. A. Preliminary Site Investigation Report; by Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., dated January 2, 2019. (available upon request). D. Project Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPPP), as applicable (available upon request). E. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Forms LPC-663 (available upon request).

  1. See Amendment No. 4.
  2. The disturbed area for this project should be under one acre; therefore, a SWPPP would not be required. 
  3. See Amendment No. 4.

Below are addition RFIs that we have for CDB Project # 630-012-004 Construct Salt Storage Facility: 1. In multiple areas of the RFP it references an attached Form-DHR Form PC-2. Are we to use the sample PC-2 form from the CMS website or is there a project specific form we are to use? Please advise. 2. Under project manual bridging document Section 02 61 13, C, 2 states that we are to provide Unit Prices per cubic yard for NON-SPECIAL WASTE DISPOSAL, SPECIAL WASTE DISPOSAL, or HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL. Please advise where are we to list the pricing for these unit prices? The price proposal schedule does not have a section for unit prices.

  1. See Amendment No. 4.  
  2. Please provide the unit pricing as an attachment to the Price Proposal schedule on your company letterhead. Because it is not included in the price proposal schedule, it will not be considered in the cost calculations, however, they will still be documented.

​In regards to CDB Project #630-012-004 we are in need of the following additional information: Please advise if we are to submit electronic and hard copies of our Phase II proposal to CDB Chicago offices per the Section 002116, .4, B & C & D. Or are we supposed to following the instructions on the CDB Website for the Special Bidding Instructions that provides directions on uploading bid documents since it indicates hard copies of bids will not be accepted? If uploading electronically please confirm that a physical sample color board is not required due to electronic submission and the nature of the project not having interior finishes. Please provide a copy of the Revit model that is to be made available to Phase II offerors per Section 002116, .5, D.

  1. See Amendment No. 4.
  2. See Amendment No. 4.
  3. An email will be sent out to each Phase II Offeror with this information.
