Replace Power Plant at Elgin Mental Health Center
February 8, 2022
At their regularly scheduled meeting on February 8, 2022 the Capital Development Board concurred with the Design-Build Selection Committee's recommendation to award the contract to Clark Construction Group, LLC.
The following firms were shortlisted by the committee on August 24, 2021 to participate in Phase II:
The Boldt Company
Clark Construction Group, LLC
Mechanical, Inc. dba Helm Mechanical
PHASE I Submittals
Submittals were received from the following firms on July 28, 2021:
AMS Mechanical Systems, Inc.
The Boldt Company
Bulley & Andrews
Clark Construction Group, LLC
The George Sollitt Construction Company
Mechanical, Inc. dba Helm Mechanical
The Capital Development Board ("CDB") intends to issue (on or after May 27, 2021) a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following Design-Build project:
CDB Project No. 321-055-138
Replace Power Plant at the Elgin Mental Health Center
Elgin, Kane County, Illinois
Project Budget - $21,700,000 (including fees for bridging documents)
Pre-Submittal Meeting
There will be a Pre-Submittal Meeting held at 10:00am on July 1, 2021 via Webex:
Meeting link:
Meeting number: 177 229 1259
Password: Tq5tM8b4F7h
PowerPoint Slides from July 1, 2021 Pre-Submittal Meeting
Recording of July 1, 2021 Pre-Submittal Meeting
Phase II Pre-Proposal Meeting
There was a Pre-Submittal Meeting held on September 1, 2020 at 10:00am via Webex.
PowerPoint Slides from Pre-Proposal Meeting
RFI's with Responses
Updated July 26, 2021
- Q. SECTION 00 51 01 – PHASE I EVALUATION, .1 General states the submittal shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pages. Can you please clarify which sections will count towards the page limit?
- Q. The RFP indicates an Authorized to Proceed date of 03/15/2022 with 568 days allowed to achieve project Substantial Completion (October 4, 2023). This differs from the project schedule included at the end of the Basis of Design documents. Please confirm that the 03/15/2022 date is tied to the start of the 568 calendar days allowed for the project to achieve Substantial Completion.
- Q. We are interested in using a firm that has both design and construction divisions. Is it acceptable for this firm to serve in both design and construction roles within our overall D/B team?
A. See the page limitation requirements for Section 2 (Page 9 of the RFP) and Section 3 (Page 10 of the RFP) for specific limitations. Section 1 is not included in the 75 page maximum.
A. The dates in the RFP should be used at this time (they have no impact on Phase I submittals). If correction is required, it will be made by Amendment after the completion of Phase I of the procurement.
A. Yes, provided that they are pre-qualified as both an A/E Design Firm AND a Contractor. Work attributable to this form for design and construction will have to be documented separately with no overlap so that a clear representation of their work in each area is clearly identifiable and defined.
Updated August 5, 2021
- Q. Following today’s walk-through, our firm was hoping to get some clarification regarding asbestos removal. Our understanding is there is an “alternate” for asbestos removal—is that correct? The PM indicated that is not in scope for this project, but we were looking to confirm.
- Q. Does the Quality Control Manager need to be a dedicated full-time project member? Please state if there are any specific qualifications needed for this position.
- Q. The Basis of Design requests Alternate #2: Asbestos Abatement of the Existing Power Plant. During the walk-thrus, it was communicated that this alternate will likely be removed and procured as a separate project. Please confirm this is accurate. If it is to remain in the project, will the State maintain chain of custody of the asbestos material? In other words, the D/B team would price and manage the scope, while the asbestos contract itself would be issued and held direct by the State. It is our preference that this alternate be removed or not required for a responsive bid.
- Q. In Section 9.3.3 it is identified in Scenario 3 that the facility could be permitted for up to 93,000 gallons / year of diesel fuel usage. Have there been previous concerns or documented issues of natural gas shortages at the facility? If there have been only minor natural gas supply issues, how much adjustment to the diesel fuel usage is the Elgin facility willing to reduce?
- Q. Given the potential for significant usage of diesel fuel at the facility, is there a high level of confidence that emissions control systems are not required? Specifically around the reciprocating engines where an urea or ammonia based SCR system may be needed for NOx control?
- Q. Given the volume of gas used for this project, will Elgin Mental Health require a gas detection system tied to an emergency shutdown system in case of mechanical failure?
- Q. Can Elgin Mental Health confirm the number of fuel storage tanks as part of this project? It is our understanding there will be 1 x 300 gallon diesel tank, 1 x 300 gallon gasoline tank, 1 x 600 gallon diesel tank, and 2 x 10,000 gallon diesel tanks.
- Q. Will process wastewater be handled as part of the scope of this project or process wastewater be handled by other systems at Elgin Mental Health?
A. This work is currently included in the bridging documents as an alternate bid. Unless it is removed by Amendment to the RFP a price should be provided in your proposal.
A. A Quality Control Manager does not need to be a dedicated full-time project member. However, the DB Contractor is responsible for a quality product, meeting all requirements of the bridging documents. This may be multiple people of various skillsets.
A. This work is currently included in the bridging documents as an alternate bid. Unless it is removed by Amendment to the RFP a price should be provided in your proposal.
A. The fuel usage and operating limits in Sec 9.3.3 proposed permitting Scenario 3 are to illustrate a permitting scenario for backup electrical generation that maintains the facility wide NOx emissions for a synthetic minor operating permit, or a Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit (FESOP). The equipment selection and permitting are the responsibility of the DB contractor.
A. See Specification 26 32 13-13 – Diesel Engine-Driven Generators and 26 32 13-16 – Natural Gas Engine Generator for the system requirements. The equipment selection and permitting are the responsibility of the DB contractor.
A. Boiler and generator installation shall follow NFPA 37, 54, and 85 including providing gas detection.
A. See drawing H-5 for the number and size of fuel tanks.
A. The process wastewater will be handled as part of the scope of this project.
Updated September 29, 2021
- Q. There is an alternate for full abatement of the existing power house. Phase 2 is to provide cost for abatement and design. Correct?
- Q. Will CDB accept a direct contract with Asbestos contractor?
- Q. Bridging Documents indicate there are asbestos surveys. Please provide all asbestos survey’s that are available.
- Q. Will the alternate include removal of all the existing boilers?
- Q. Eliminate Applied Fireproofing: Type IIB construction, yet applied fireproofing is specified. Where is this used on the project?
- Q. The bridging documents indicate that telecom and fiber are to be brought from the Rehab building (BR110) and the box and conduit is to be provided in the new power house. Please confirm that Phase 2 is not to provide any cabling / fiber from the rehab building to the new power house nor any racks in the IT room within the building.
- Q. Can we get a clarification from CDB about the difference between “list of specifications” and “Outline Specifications”, and why one discipline has one over the other.
- Q. The documents and drawings call out various boiler and system pressures for the generation or distribution of steam. We will be moving Boiler #4 from the existing plant which is currently running at a set pressure. We will be procuring three new boilers designed for a set pressure. What steam pressure are you requiring for the common header in the new central plant which will then dictate how equipment is sized and design for?
- Q. It is not clear who has responsibility for the IEPA Air Permit. Usually, the Owner holds this role since it ultimately is signatory for the document which remains with the operational owner of the plant emissions. Since the documents call out the possibility of taking operational limits or a synthetic minor, I do not feel those operational decisions should be delegated for the contractor to manage. Please clarify who holds the role of writing and submission of the air permit.
- Q. Acceptable manufacturers. We are looking at Square D as an acceptable mfr but the bridging documents did not include them. We need to make sure that we are not limited to the listed mfrs in the bridge documents or that Square D is not considered a deviation by Stanley (I see that Eaton prepared the drawings for Stanley directly with minimal edit). Square D will not participate without assurances.
- Q. Please provide the product data and cut sheets for the existing 1200T boiler (and accessories, as applicable) listed as being relocated by the DBC to the new facility.
- Q. Please provide the Revit project files as presented in the project prebid meeting.
- Q. Please provide the Output Capacity in Gallons per Minute per RO unit for the existing RO system?
- Q. Please confirm that there are 2 RO Units in the existing central plant operating now.
- Q. In the current RFP, CBD has asked for the bidders to provide an alternate price (Alternate #2) to provide asbestos abatement of the old power plant. Section 9 (Environmental) of the Basis of Design references the following documents: 1) Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment 2) Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment 3) ACM Report "ACM-R2", by C&W Bradley, P.C., dated January 31, 1996 4) ACM Report "ACM-R3", by Environmental Design International, Inc., dated July 1, 2002. We have been unable to locate these documents in the current RFP. Please provide us with these documents.
- Q. Please confirm there is no requirement for Access Control (ie: Card Readers) or Security Cameras as part of the scope of this project.
- Q. Does the Mechanical scope of work look like it is set up for an offeror to suggest a combined plant with Steam turbines? Is a Combined plant acceptable?
- Q. Please provide as-built drawing for the tunnel system on site.
- Q. Please provide any as-builts for any buildings previously building on the proposed site.
- Q. The bridge documents for the power plant indicate a 750 kVA service. Preliminary calcs indicate that this building will require a substantially smaller service. Would a deviation to size the power house service based upon the connected load with 25% future growth be acceptable?
- Q. The bridge documents for the power plant indicate a 150 kW natural gas generator at 208 volt. Can this generator be eliminated with the redundant campus generator system being proposed?
- Q. Has a combined heat plant utilizing steam for electrical generation being considered by other teams or would CDB accept this type of deviation?
- Q. User Requirements: As the EMHC User tradesmen could be labor union, are there any specific requirements they may have that we should be aware of and can take into consideration as a due-diligence in our Proposal.
- Q. PP 3-3: User Requirements: What maximum (#) interior vehicles storage bays should be allocated in the D-B proposal.
- Q. Are Standard Business Terms and Conditions and Standard Certifications and Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interests forms required in Phase II? If so, is it acceptable to only include forms for teaming partners who were not included in Phase I submissions?
- Q. SECTION 00 42 10 – SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS on page 9 of the RFP lists Pre-award Value Engineering as a requirement for Volume 4 of the Phase II submission; however .3 TECHNICAL & COST PROPOSAL – SUBMITTAL CONTENTS – PHASE II on page 22 of the RFP does not list that requirement. Can you please clarify if a Pre-Award Value Engineering section is required in Volume 4?
A. Cost for abatement of the existing power plant is to be provided as an Alternate.
A. No.
A. This has been posted to CDB Website. (Please see link above.)
A. Boilers may be removed completely or dismantled to remove any asbestos.
A. The D-B Entity's A/E will be responsible for confirming with the codes that the proper fire rating is maintained for the spaces required
A. Bid shall include providing a new fiber optic line from Rehab to the new plant in a 4" conduit. Racks and final connection to be by User.
A. A list of specifications is essentially a Table of Contents of the proposed specification sections whereas an outline specification, where required, is a brief description of the main components to be used in construction. They should be described in sufficient detail to allow the cost consultant to prepare some approximate quantities.
A. Operating pressure 140 psig.
A. The DB A/E is responsible for coordinating with CDB and User to provide permitting documents as required for application.
A. Manufacturers listed in the bridging documents are included to establish a baseline expectation of quality. Unless the bridging documents specifically indicate that only the listed product is acceptable.
A. This has been posted to CDB Website. (Please see link above.)
A. Files have been distributed directly to the shortlisted teams via state file transfer site and Stanley's BOX account.
A. Each RO unit produces 6 gallons of conditioned water per minute.
A. This is confirmed.
A. This has been posted to CDB Website. (Please see link above.
A. Card readers and security cameras are not part of the current scope. User shall confirm this is not required.
A. No. Steam turbines are not desired.
A.This has been posted to CDB Website. (Please see link above.)
A. This has been posted to CDB Website. (Please see link above.)
A. Acceptable. The power house service transformer can be sized based on connected load with 25% future growth.
A. No. The generator is strictly for egress and emergency loads. The goal was to relocate the existing gas generator from the existing power house.
A. No. Steam turbines are not desired.
A.Please refer to the bridging documents and the Project Labor Agreement found at (Please see link above.)
A. Vehicle bays are to be provided as shown on the bridging documents as a minimum. That space can be made larger if space allows.
A. Financial Disclosures must be provided for each firm listed on the DB-PTF. This will include members of the Design-Team. Failure to do so would be a material deficiency as noted in the RFP.
A. Volume 4 is intended to address Deviations, Betterments and Pre-Award Value Engineering if they are a part of the proposal. We typically do not see Pre-Award Value Engineering addressed in the proposals we receive as Deviations and Betterments cover most necessary items.
Updated October 14, 2021
- Q. In the specs under 02 82 13 Asbestos Abatement, 1.1 B. 2. The line reads "as indicated on Asbestos Drawing ASB-1". Please provide drawing ASB-1.
- Q. Please advise if this project is tax exempt.
A. The bridging documents do not have a drawing ASB-1. Please refer to the Asbestos Survey Report provided by the User.
A. Yes, the project is tax exempt.
Updated October 26, 2021
- Q. Color Board: Are colors of both interior and exterior materials required to be represented on the color board, or interior materials only?
- Q. Are filled block and epoxy paint acceptable in lieu of ceramic tile for shower walls and floor?
- Q. If plans are provided, is there a paper size limit?
- Q. Ventilation drawings indicate a "FUME HOOD AND EXHAUST" in the paint shop. Specification Section 23 35 00 - Special Exhaust Systems indicates the paint shop is to have a "DING AND POINT SOURCE FUME EXHAUST SYSTEM", which does not appear to be the same thing as a fume hood. What is desired here?
- Q. Revit model shows all louvers to have a blade length of 6". No information is given in the drawings about the type of louver. Two types of louver are specified in the project manual, but no indication is provided as to which types go where. Should we assume all louvers are drainable type with 6" blades per the specification?
- Q. This is not a hurricane-prone or tornado-prone area; are louvers and windows really required to be rated to pass the specified Windborne-Debris-Impact-Resistance?
- Q. City of Elgin requires compliance with 2015 ICC model codes. Why do Bridging Documents state compliance with 2018 ICC model codes is required?
- Q. This is a CDB project and the state requirements are to be followed. Codes listed are the codes to follow.
- Q. Drawings show a solidly grounded 2400 volt transformer secondary and low impedance ground at the back-up generators. Is this a notational error?
- Q. Would self-contained (battery) or central inverter emergency and exit lighting be sufficient in lieu of an emergency natural gas generator indicated? We do not believe any other emergency systems are required based upon criteria established.
- Q. Under design basis, six 5kV loops have been identified serving 14 buildings. There are 24 building lists within the electrical general description at paragraph 7.2 (53 buildings are cited at paragraph 1.1). Buildings identified but not accounted for in the six 5kv loops are Burr, Pinel, William White, FTP Main (Old), Boiler Plant (will be demo'd), Garage Units (demo'd?), Machine & Pipe Shops (demo'd?), Grounds Maintenance (demo'd?), Medical Building BR108, FTP 1 East, FTP Psychosocial, Edwin Goldman Building, FTP Main (New), Charles F. Read.
- Q. Clarification: Feeder #5 and #15 are actually radial feeds and not loop fed?
- Q. Medium Voltage Cable: Would aluminum cable be an acceptable deviation? (We may not want to pursue this for feeders that are splicing into existing copper feeders).
- Q. Is an equipment list in the Carpentry Trades shop available for sizing the dust collector?
- Q. Is a tool/equipment list using air in the Vehicle Bays available?
- Q. Please provide the stated sum of Liquidated Damages for each calendar day of delay associated with the D/B's failure to achieve Substantial Completion within the 568 days of Authorization to Proceed stated in the RFP. Please also confirm Liquidated Damages are the sole and exclusive remedy for such delay, notwithstanding CDB's other rights under the SD-DB.
- Q. Please confirm that the project will operate on a monthly pay requisition cycle, such that the D/B will submit progress pay requisitions for approval on a monthly basis and that payment terms will be in compliance with the Illinois Prompt Payment Act.
A. Color boards should represent proposed color/material schemes for both the interior and exterior of the building. Conveying more rather than less information on the color boards can give committee members a better understanding of what is being proposed.
A. The substitution is not acceptable. Ceramic tile was requested by the Using Agency.
A. Refer to the Design and Construction Manual for drawing requirements.
A. Provide the fume exhaust system as specified in Section 23 35 00.
A. Louvers are to be drainable. The DB A/E to confirm the length of blades to fit adequately in the walls where the louvers are being installed
A. Yes, windborne-debris impact resistance for the zone that Illinois is considered does have to be met
A. This is a CDB project and the state requirements are to be followed. Codes listed are the codes to follow.
A. Primary metering shall be at 2400V.
A. There is no notational error. We do not know how the Utility transformer will be grounded. Further detail design is required based on Utility grounding system.
A. No. Natural gas generator is preferred.
A. Each loop can contain more than one building.
A. The detail design needs to verify this. If there is a loop then there must be a switch in between.
A. Feeders will be splicing into exisitng copper feeders. AL is not an option.
A. Equipment observed in the current carpentry shop includes: a band saw, (2) table saws, circular saw, arm saw, bench grinder, (2) disc sanders, and a spindle sander.
A. A specific list was not provided. Pneumatic tools in the vehicle bays will be used for minor vehicle maintenance.
A. There are no liquidated damages included in the RFP documents.
A. CDB will process monthly pay applications based on work completed. Standard CDB payment application forms will be utilized.