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Stevenson Maintenance Building

March 9, 2021

At their regularly scheduled meeting on March 9, 2021 the Capital Development Board approved the Design-Build Selection Committee's recommendation to award the contract to CORE Construction Services of Illinois, Inc.

The following firms were shortlisted by the committee on November 12, 2020 to participate in Phase II:
CORE Construction Services of Illinois, Inc.
F.H. Paschen, S.N. Neilsen & Associates, LLC
McHugh Tri-State (Joint Venture)
Stenstrom Construction, Inc.

Phase II Pre-Proposal Meeting

PowerPoint from 11/19 Pre-Proposal Meeting


The Capital Development Board ("CDB") intends to issue (on or after August 26, 2020) a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following Design-Build project:

CDB Project No. 630-128-005
Construct Maintenance Facility
Stevenson Yard Maintenance Facility
Project Budget - $15,000,000

RFI's with Responses

Updated September 22, 2020​ ​

Q.Do the attachment forms count as pages in the RFP? It notes that for section 2, 25 pages maximum exclusive of PPEQs/Past Performance MBE Phase 1 Utilizations. What about other forms?

A.Not all sections of the submittal have page limitations placed on them. It is important to note the limitations identified for specific sections or portions of sections as explained in the RFP. For example there are no page limits placed on Section 1 of the submittal but Section 2 is limited to 25 pages (excluding those specific documents identified).

Q.​Page 1 of the RFP under the “attachments” list item 2 – DBPS—Is this required to be included in the Phase 1 submission?

A.​The Design-Build Proposal Transmittal Form (DB-PTF) should be included in both the Phase I Submittal as well as the Phase II Proposal.

Q.​The website has a PLA to download, but you cannot download anything. Is this required?

A.​The link to the PLA document should now be active.

Q.​Can you please confirm if it is required to have references for each design firm/partner/consultant? If so, how many are required? Note that there is a maximum of 7 references total.

A.​You must have at least 5 but no more than 7 references. At least 3 of those must reflect the experience of the "Offeror" and at least 2 of those must reflect the experience of the "Design Team". The 2 additional references that are allowed beyond the minimum of 5 required may be allocated as you deem appropriate.

Updated October 6, 2020​

Q.​Regarding Project # 630-128-005, is the reference section also limited to projects within the last 10 years? Or does that timeframe requirement only apply to the Offeror's team experience (section 3)?

A.​References are not subject to the same time restrictions as experience, however, current or recent references would likely carry more weight than references for work that was completed more than a decade ago.

Q.​Is there an opportunity to waive the percentage of self-performed work requirements?

A.This will be addressed in an upcoming Amendment.

Q.​If we, as the Architect, become the offeror, do the percentages of self-performing work apply?

A.​This will be addressed in an upcoming Amendment.

Q.​Is the entire proposal limited to 25 pages, or does the 25 page limit only apply to Phase 1 Section 2 (Past Performance)?

A.Q.​Is the entire proposal limited to 25 pages, or does the 25 page limit only apply to Phase 1 Section 2 (Past Performance)?

Q.​Who fills out the DB PTF? Just the offeror and then the additional design team companies provide the following attachments? Standard Business Terms and Conditions and Standard Certifications, Illinois State Board of Elections Certification, and Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest.

A.​The DB-PTF is completed by the Offeror. The other listed documents must be provided for each firm identitied on the DB-PTF.

Q.​Who from the offeror’s firm should be signing all forms that require a signature?

A.​The DP-PTF and all other forms requiring a signature should be signed by someone with the authority to contractually bind the company or organization.

Q.​Page 1 of RFP under attachments list item 9 PC workforce projection but this is missing from the website. Is this required?

A.​This will be provided in an upcoming Amendment to the RFP.

Q.​Currently the CDB is not offering training for the PM to get certified. Is this a requirement for the offeror?

A.​While it is recommended it is not a requirement for the PM to be certified.

Q.​If the design firms are different companies (Civil, Architecture/Engineering, Plumbing) do each have to have 2 case studies and 2 references as this would exceed the 7 max requirement.

A.​No, you must not exceed the limits stated in the RFP. It is possible that some members of the team may not have projects/references included in the submittal.

Q.​For each project listed in the past performance section, each firm (offeror, design firm AND subcontractor) needs to have a reference (DB-PPEQ) form completed? Which means also that each project that is submitted is the same as the references that you submit?


Q.​Is the page limit on the entire Phase 1 submittal 50 pages?

A.​No, please carefully read the explanations for the page limits and note any exclusions that are identified such as the Past Performance Evaluation Questionnaires in Section 2. Also, there are no page limits on any of the contents in Section 1 of the submittal.

Q.​Form DB-PTF does not include a live field for civil engineering and geotechnical yet these services are listed in the project scope. Are the categories “plumbing, heating, ventilating, and electrical” for sub-contractors or for design firms? Please advise as our team includes the offeror/contractor, architect, and several engineering firms (structural, MEP engineer, civil, and geotechnical) as well as sub-contractors.

A.​If more firms need to be included you may attached an additional page with the additional information. When attaching an additional page please be sure to include the discipline, Firm name/CDB firm no. and TIN for each company listed.

Q.​Can two prequalified firms create a limited liability company (LLC) to pursue the Project? And if so, does the LLC need to be prequalified if both firms that own it are already prequalified?

A.​Yes. The Joint Venture itself would not be pre-qualified but all participants in the Joint Venture would need to be pre-qualified.

Q.​In regards to the project references where a maximum of 7 are allowed, please clarify the required breakdown of the references if the offeror will be a Joint Venture. For example, is this breakdown acceptable (does this breakdown meet the requirements of 3 project references from the Offeror?): o Design Firm - 2 project references, o Joint Venture Firm 1 of 2 (Majority Partner Firm in JV) - 2 project references, o Joint Venture Firm 2 of 2 (Minority Partner Firm in JV) - 2 project references, o 1 Remaining Project Reference - allocated as deemed appropriate

A.​In the case of a Joint Venture the "Offeror" is the JV. Therefore at least three of the references must demonstrate the experience of the members of the JV. The example noted would meed the requirements stated in the RFP as the design team would have 2 references and the Offeror (JV) would have 4 references with the 1 remaining reference to be allocated as appropriate which would be a maximum of 7 references.

Q.​For Phase 1 submission do we (as the offeror) need to have our percentage for the minority information on the phase 1 utilization plan?

A.​The Phase 1 goals are specifically for the Design Team and unless your firm is providing design services you participation would be identified in the Phase II submittal if your firm is shortlisted to participate in Phase II.

Q.​What is the return time for CDB to review permit set and CD set, i.e 2 weeks?

A.​On Design-Build projects CDB provides a courtesy review of submittals but does not approve or reject submittals. Responsibility for submission of the "Permit" set lies solely with the Design-Build Offeror.

Q.​Please confirm that only the Offeror must complete Forms A/B as part of the Phase 1 submittal.

A.​As noted on the DB-PTF form Financial Disclosures and Conflicts of Interests docuemnts must be provided for every firm listed on the form at the time of the Phase I submittal. This would include the Forms A or Forms B documents.

Q.​From the CDB website, “firms that are "subcontractors" or "suppliers" (those contracting through a "prime" contractor") need not be prequalified, CDB encourages subcontractors to become prequalified.” This appears to conflict with the RFP Section 00 21 16.1H which says, “all major contractors/subcontractors performing any of the General, Plumbing, Heating, Ventilation, and Electrical work must be prequalified with CDB”. Please confirm that subcontractors are required to be prequalified.

A.​The requirements stated in the RFP must be met when assembling a team to submit on this project.

Q.​Can we include photos of our experience with our response?

A.​There is no specific restriction on the inclusion of photographs in the submittals, however, all page limitations would still apply.

Q.​In reviewing the reference form, it states that the references are due by Monday, October 5, 2020, however, the RFQ is not due until Tuesday, October 13. Is the due date for references supposed to read Monday, October 12?

A.The due date of October 5, 2020 is in effect.

Q.​Are bid bonds required for the Phase I submission?

A.​Bid Bonds are not required for the Phase I submission.

Q.​Do we need to include a PLA agreement for phase 1? If so, where should we include it?

A.​The PLA is included in the RFP package for your reference. It is not intended to be included in your submittal.

Q.​Can you please confirm the amount of pages for the technical approach narrative and Offerors team experience? Is it total 10 pages or 5 pages in total?

A.​You are allowed up to 5 pages for the Techncial Approach Narrative, up to 5 pages for the Offeror's Team Experience, and up to 2 pages for Other Capability Information for a total of up to 12 pages in Section 3.

Q.​For the offeror, which CDB number would you like us to use? The construction manager ID number or contractor ID number?

A.​Please note that pre-qualification as a CM is not accepted for Design-Build projects. You must use your Contractor ID number or the submittal will be rejected.

Q.​Does the DBQ Statement need to be completed by each consultant on the design or construction team or only by the Offeror (general contractor) and the main design team member (architect of record)?

A.​The DBQ is completed by the Offeror and should include information on each of the firms on the team.

Updated October 8, 2020​

Q. ​The current Bridging Documents don’t show any landscaping. The City of Chicago requires landscaping for there sites. Do we have to include landscaping for this project? If so, what areas will require landscape?

A. This project is located in McCook, IL, so the Chicago Landscape Ordinance does not apply.

​Q. ​Our firm noticed that the bridging plans do not show anything about landscape design, but it is mentioned in the Basis of Design, is this something that is required?

A. The only landscape scope intended is to restore areas that were affected by the construction scope and address erosion control.

Q. ​Who is providing the Phase 1 Site Assessment, the Owner or “Offeror”?

A. An environmental assessment of the contaminated soil on the site has been completed and can be provided by the using agency. Any additional site assessment requests can be directed to the using agency.

Updated December 10, 2020​

Q.​ Per the RFP for Design-Build Services, .5, letter D indicates that the REVIT BIM model will be made available to the Phase II offerors. Please provide the REVIT BIM Model.

A. The requested files will be transmitted to the primary point of contact for each of the shortlisted teams.

Q. ​Please provide the AutoCAD (2016 or earlier version if possible) files for the Bridging document drawings.

A. The requested files will be transmitted to the primary point of contact for each of the shortlisted teams.

Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications) - Division 051200 - Structural Steel - A - indicates that an AISC certified fabricator and erector must be utilized. Please advise if this requirement can be waived due to the extremely small amount of conventional structural steel framing on this project. Using an AISC certified fabrication and erector on this small of a project would be extremely difficult to location and would be cost prohibitive.

A. Utilizing an AISC certified fabricator is a means of ensuring quality. Please provide a base bid for the steel utilizing an AISC certified fabricator and an alternate for not using a certified fabricator for the owner to consider.

Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications) - Division 051200 - Structural Steel - A - indicates that the work and storage bays require two (2) finish coats of paint on the structural steel. Please confirm that this only applies to Division 05 conventional structural steel in these locations and does not apply to the Division 13 Pre-engineered Metal Building Steel (except wash bay PEMB steel to be epoxy painted per spec section 099123 Interior painting, letter D).

A. It is assumed to apply to the conventional steel framing.  However, it is likely the metal building will also utilized heavy steel plate members in the frames.  These frames should also be painted according to the specifications.

Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications) - Division 026113 Excavation & Handling of Regulated Substances, indicates the following are available upon request under 1.4 references - please provide these documents: 1. Andrews Engineering, Inc. PSI Report dated April 26, 2019. 2. Project Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPPP) 3. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Forms LPC-663

A. The requested files will be transmitted to the primary point of contact for each of the shortlisted teams.

Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications) - Division 133419 - Special Construction Metal Building Systems, Letter D Weathertightness Warranty - please clarify if the weathertightness warranty for the Metal Building System is required to be a Single Source No Dollar Limit 20 year weathertightness warranty which appears to be a standard requirement within CDB Division 13 Metal Buildings System Specifications.

A. The warranty shall be a NDL weather tightness warranty as stipulated in CDB Division 13 Metal Buildings System Specifications.

Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications) - Division 133419 - Special Construction Metal Building Systems - please confirm if the building manufacturer is required to be currently listed on CDB’s Pre-engineered Metal Buildings Roster of Accepted Roofing Systems Manufacturers.

A. The building manufacturer is required to be currently listed on CDB’s Pre-engineered Metal Buildings Roster of Accepted Roofing Systems Manufacturers.

​Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications) - Division 337173 Electrical Utility Services - A. - indicates payment of utility company charges for services. Please confirm that this is to be paid by the owner, as Utility Companies do not provide contractors with cost estimates or billing, they bill the customer since they are the account holder.

A. Utility charges for service installation will be paid by the Owner and are not part of this contract.

Q. ​Please also confirm that all utility company service charges (i.e. Gas, Electric, etc.) will be paid by the owner, as utility companies do not provide contractors this information or bills since we are not the account holder.

A. Utility charges for service installation will be paid by the Owner and are not part of this contract.

​Q. ​The Phase II firm selection letter we received indicated that part of the technical evaluation criteria will include evaluation of LEED Points proposed. Please confirm that LEED Points Proposed is not to be included in the Phase II submittal since it is not applicable based on the fact that the project has received a LEED waiver as indicated in the RFP Basis of Design Document.

A. The LEED Waiver has been received, and LEED Certification will not be pursued, and a checklist is not required. IDOT is still interested in implementing sustainable materials and systems where possible. Any sustainable measures that are implemented during the course the D-B process should be identified to IDOT for their internal use.

Q. ​The RFP (01.DB RFP 630-128-005) item 5 part D on page 3 stated that the REVIT model would be made available to the selected offers as part of the Phase II RFP process. Can let us know where we go to get this?

A. See response above.

​Q. ​For the civil portion can the existing bridging civil drawings be provided in AutoCAD Civil 3-D .DWG?

A. See response above.

​Q. ​On Page 3 of the RFP Item D., it states: "REVIT BIM Model will be made available to selected offerors of the Phase II RFP process". Can we please request from CDB the REVIT BIM Model?

A. ​See response above.

Q. ​If we include additional non-key personnel that were not part of our Phase 1 proposal, please confirm the Key Personnel form from Phase 1 is not required and a resume will be acceptable.

A. The Key Personnel Form is not required for Phase 2.

Q. ​Should Construction Subcontractors identified on the M/WBE Utilization Plan Forms and also subcontractors identified under the Project Management Plan, Item B. Key Construction Subcontractors be included on the DBPTF Form with the requested certifications / disclosures?

A. The following team members should be identified on the DB-PTF form: Architect, Engineer(s), General Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Heating Contractor, Ventilating Contractor and Electrical Contractor. While additional team members may be included the above must be included. For all team members included on the form or on an attachment to the form financial disclosures must be provided.

Updated December 17, 2020​

​Will CDB be issuing GO-4 Construction Phasing Plan noted in the Project Manual (Outline of Specifications)?

​Yes, it will be issued in an upcoming Amendment.

​Will plan reviews, a building permit, and inspections and their associated fees required from the Village of McCook?


​Does Betterment G-1 require an IDOT review/permit process?


​Where is the storm sewer outfall that needs televised per the basis of design located?

​The outfall is located at the creek bank, west of the existing property. Per Note 4 on sheet C300, this area was under construction for MWRD’s Deep Tunnel project during the topographic survey. The existing drawings will be distributed for reference.

​The preliminary schedule in the Basis of Design document lists 30 days of abatement prior to demo of the existing building but the preliminary cost estimate provided lists $0 in the abatement line and there is no reference to asbestos or other hazardous material in the building that would need abated. Has the building been tested and can a report be provided?

​Testing has been done, and a report is available from IDOT, and will be provided in the amendment. The cost is listed as $0 because this abatement work will be performed by the owner and will not be part of this contract.

​Does the Using Agency have any unresolved floor plan layout issues, in terms of functioning, adjacency, and/or size? (said with all due respect for the integrity of the original design)

​No. The program, adjacencies, separations and overall layout were all reviewed and approved by IDOT.

​Are there any Using Agency caveats or regrets regarding the bridging document design, since those documents were completed? (also said with all due respect for the integrity of the original design)

​The using agency has not indicated and such regrets.

​Does IDOT own the entire tract of land as illustrated? If yes, what is the intended use for the unused portions to the “left” and the “right”?

​The land to the NE is a gravel lot that currently houses the IDOT Materials personnel. The land to the SW was the site for MWRD Deep Tunnel and otherwise is currently vacant. Our understanding is that IDOT does own all of this, however there is an easement for the access drive NE of the existing facility. These areas can be used by the D-B contractor during construction. There is no current plan for developing these areas.

​Do we need to plan for hybrid and/or fully-electric trucks? If yes, what might any requirements for those be?

​IDOT did not indicate that they have any plans for hybrid or fully-electric trucks during our bridging document design phase, and therefore is not included in the design documents.

​No landscaping is shown on the drawings but the preliminary schedule in the basis of design has 15 days for landscaping and then another 5 after demo of the existing building. Is any desired or required for the project?

​Landscaping should be done as part of restoration and erosion control. Any parkway areas affected during construction (along the access road or Joliet Road) and areas near the Deep Tunnel or creek should be restored, as well as any areas that need to be temporarily seeded to prevent erosion during construction.

​Can the existing materials laboratory trailers (two of them) be moved around when laying out and staging construction activities, for maximum flexibility?

​It is unlikely that these trailers are structurally stable enough to be moved. They also need to remain operational during construction.

​Will the requirement for 20% of the project be performed by the General Trade be waived for the project since it is a design-build project and not a multi-prime bid?

​The 20% requirement for Generals Contractors to self-perform work is not applicable to Design-Build.

​What capacities are required for the Lubes System storage tanks?

​Tank capacities to match Eisenhower facility. Existing data suggests the following capicities, but values should be verified: 15W/40 = 400 Gal, Waste Oil = 400 Gal, Hydraulic Oil = 400 Gal, Gear Lube = 275 Gal, 10W/30 = 275 Gal, Coolant = 165 Gal.

​The specification 109010.A.2 mentions grease piping but no grease is shown on the drawings of the reels. Do you want an overhead grease reel to accompany the oil reels? If yes, do you want to utilize a 400 lbs drum or a 120 lbs drum for supply? (The pumps is available on an either / or basis)

​This will be addressed in an upcoming Amendment.

​Vehicle lifts requested are 4 Post 80,000 lbs capacity. Do you need optional accessories such as the following: i. Rolling Bridge Jacks ii. Internal Airline Kit iii. Light Kits for runways iv. Drive through capability (drive on / drive off ramps)

​The lifts should accommodate drive through operation as shown. Optional accessories are not to be included as those can be purchased and installed in the future if the need arises.

​Regarding the 4 post vehicle lifts can you clarify what length will be needed? What is the maximum vehicle length that will be put on this lift?

​The current vehicle information received from IDOT lists the plow trucks as the longest at 38 feet.

​Page 2 of the RFP states that attachment 9 is the PC-2 Workforce Projection, but there is no attachment in the RFP. We also could not find it posted on the website for this project. Please provide the PC-2 for this project.

​The PC-2 will be provided in an upcoming Amendment.

​Please advise if and when we can schedule a site visit onsite and confirm that we will be able to verify existing grades, utility pipe inverts within structures and if we can fly a drone overhead to capture some aerial footage of the facility?

​Site visits can be coordinated directly with the site. If you need assistance with this the CDB Project Manager can help.

​Please advise if the new building is required to have a lightning protection system. Basis of design and outline specification documents do not call out for any lightning protection systems on the building.

​This will be addressed in an upcoming Amendment.

​We don't see any capacities listed for the Lube System storage tanks. We will need if they want to duplicate what we had at the Eisenhower shop or do they have changes they want to make?

​Tank capacities to match Eisenhower facility. Existing data suggests the following capicities, but values should be verified: 15W/40 = 400 Gal, Waste Oil = 400 Gal, Hydraulic Oil = 400 Gal, Gear Lube = 275 Gal, 10W/30 = 275 Gal, Coolant = 165 Gal.

​The specification mentions grease but no grease is shown on the drawings of the reels. Do they want an overhead grease reel to accompany the oil reels? If yes, will they want to utilize a 400 lbs drum or a 120 lbs drum for supply? (The pumps is available on an either / or basis)

​This will be addressed in an upcoming Amendment.

We don't see any compressed air drops going to the vehicle lifts. While we will be quoting the compressed air as it's own system, please make a note that these lifts will require compressed air drops.

​This will be addressed in an upcoming Amendment.

​Per specification section 02 61 13 – Excavation & Handling of Regulated Substances Section 1.1.C Unit Prices. Are we to include CDB Bid Form 00 41 00 with the Design -Build Pricing Schedule or should we modify sheet 2 of the form showing unit prices for the remediation work? Appendix C in the Basis of Design just shows a lump sum for the remediation work.

​A modified Design-Build Pricing Schedule will be issued in an upcoming Amendment to accommodate the requested Unit Prices.

​Per specification section 02 61 13 – Excavation & Handling of Regulated Substances please provide us with the following information: 1.4. REFERENCES A. Andrews Engineering, Inc., PSI Report dated April 26, 2019 by. (available upon request).

​See RFI responses posted on 12/10/2020.

​Muller & Muller's proposed project cost budget includes an $850,000 Soil Remediation line item. Is this an ALLOWANCE that every General Contractor should include in their pricing?

​The costs included in the budget are the A/E's estimated costs. DB teams should included their costs in their proposals as individual teams may estimate these costs to be higher or lower than the A/E's estimate. The information provided is intended to be an indicator of the order of magnitude and nothing more.

​The 135 page IEPA Uncontaminated Soil Certification, does not include the following from page 2: Table 3 and Figure 2 of the Final preliminary site investigation report.

​If this information is available it will be added through an upcoming Amendment.

​We would like a drawing that shows the boring locations or the stations referenced in the IDOT memorandum from 12/20/19 titled, "Final PSI Report and Special Provision/Risk Managed Project REVISED".

​If this information is available it will be added through an upcoming Amendment.

Updated January 25, 2021​

Q. ​Please advise what the assumed size of the storm water detention system was based on and provide calculations if available. Also please confirm that the storm water detention system is required for only the new areas of improvements.

A. ​The vault was estimated in 2019 using the MWRD WMO calculator and nomograph available at that time for the property. MWRD has since updated their technical guidance manual as recently as May 2020 with revised rainfall data. The design build team should utilize current MWRD WMO, technical guidance manual, and coordinate with MWRD accordingly to appropriately model the storm network and size the detention system. It is the responsibility of the design build team to verify requirements and design the system.

Q. ​Will the rating of the generator be stand-by, emergency, or a for-use type?

​A. Unknown since it will be a portable generator.

Q. ​On the Design Build Pricing schedule please clarify how the contact administration fee is to be calculated for the design portion of the project (i.e. is it 3% of just the basic design fee, 3% of items #1-#10, etc.).

A. ​The CAF should be calculated as 3% of Basic Services + Additional Services + On-Site Representation.

Q. ​During our site visit we saw several storm inlets that are not noted on the existing conditions plans and also the manhole by the visitor parking has no indication of where this line goes.

A. ​The manhole at the visitor parking stalls is over the fuel tanks. If a storm inlet was missed, then it should be picked up with additional survey to ensure structures to remain are connected to the new site.

Q. ​Will new tires be stored in the new facility?

A. ​Yes, in the Tire Storage Room.

Q. ​Is the storm and sanitary a combined in McCook, IL? Plans do not show what the new sanitary is tying into?

A. ​Plans show the tie-in to a proposed manhole, per sheet C300, note 4. Survey did not go back to the sanitary main described in the village as-builts.

Q. ​There are large trucking/shipping companies that use the access roads on both sides of IDOT (on IDOT property) site and there was very high amount of semi traffic in a out of the sites. There are proposed new utilities that will affect these areas. What are the hours of operation of these companies?

A. ​The companies adjacent to the Stevenson facility are open 24/7.

Q. ​For the technical submission, please clarify the extent of outline specifications to be provided? During the prebid meeting it was indicated that a table of contents for the specifications should be provided, however the bridging documents already have a table of contents for anticipated specifications for the project already.

A. ​As notes throughout the Phase II requirements in the RFP, "The offeror shall provide a list of specifications proposed to be used in the design, if sections are not provided in this RFP".

Q. ​In regards to the previous question below, will CDB or its consultants be providing the following unit price form with estimated quantities for this project?

A. ​Estimated quantities will not be provided.

Q. ​Refer to drawing AD1-0 , The existing electrical feed from the pole (Located North of the property, and connecting in the NE corner of the existing building) is not shown at the building being demolished. Is the owner/utility company responsible to disconnect the existing electrical feed from pole to the building being demolished?

A. ​Owner/Electric utility are responsible for demolition of electrical service and meter and electrical service to make building electrically safe for demolition.

Q. ​Please clarify what the extent of a color board is required for submission of the project since the submission for this project is electronic and not hard copy.

A. ​As stated in the RFP (on page 18) digital color boards are to be included in Volume 3 of the proposal.

Q. ​Please confirm that the property to the west of the existing facility fence that is adjacent to the cold storage building that is to be demolished is owned by IDOT and is to be used for this project. All Civil drawings indicate that the extent of our paved areas and project improvements are approximately 70’ to the west of this fence line (the C100 plat and AD1-0 demolition site plan all appear to stop at the existing fence line and does not extend the additional 70’ past this fence line).

A. ​This property is owned by IDOT, per previous RFI responses. The intent in the bridging documents is to extend beyond the existing fence line only as far as necessary to accommodate truck movements around the building and any other program scope required for the project.

Q. ​Where is the DEF liquid for the fuel system for the new facility? This is preferable to be stored in doors and is added to the trucks around every 3rd fill up. If stored outside the DEF can crystalize in cold weather and clog the pump.

A. ​IDOT would like the DEF system to be stored with the oil products that are pumped overhead to the mechanics bays. This way its in a temperature controlled room and easily dispensed. IDOT recommends a pump with a runaway valve for the overhead DEF and all fluids being pumped. Also, the DEF should be delivered in a tote, not a barrel. Example pump information will be distributed as part of the response.

Q. ​Walsh is actively using the IDOT property shown as a staging area to the South (plan right). When will they be done and the site restored?

A. ​To our knowledge the MWRD project by Walsh was completed last year. However, that is plan left by 53rd Street. We are not aware of activity plan right, other than the materials trailers.

Q. ​On the Design Build Pricing schedule please clarify what the line item for Movable Equipment is supposed to represent.

A. ​This is a standard form used for all projects. If the using agency is providing the movable equipment this should be left blank.

Q. ​In the existing building to remain the plans show a walk door between the area the 3 garage doors are to remain and the area we are called to remove 6 doors. During our site visit we noted this door does not exist.

A. ​IDOT would like a door at this location.

Q. ​Also, where does the existing sanitary come out of the building and what does it tie into?

A. ​The original 1965 plans show sanitary sewer at the center of the south-east facing wall of the existing building. The plans indicate a cleanout at this location. The sanitary line is then routed north-east toward the manhole in the northern corner of the site. Please refer to the existing building drawings that were provided on 12/18/20.

Q. ​Refer to the drawings AD1-0, the existing gas feed to the building (North East Side of the Building Being Demolished) is not shown at the building being demolished. Is the owner/utility company responsible to disconnect the existing gas feed from underground to the building being demolished?

A. ​Design Builder is responsible for coordinating entire electrical service requirements with the Utility company. Owner/Gas utility are responsible for demolition of gas meter and underground gas service. Contractor is responsible for demolition of all gas piping downstream of meter isolation valve.

Q. ​Due to age and use, will the tank be replaced?

A. ​No, this is not part of the project scope.

Q. ​Is the transfer switch meant to be a manual type? Or is this a place holder and could be an Automatic Transfer Switch?

A. ​Since the generator will be a portable type brought in on an as needed basis, the transfer switch should be a manual type as indicated on drawing E3.10.

Q. ​Based on our site visit and field measurements, we found that the existing 24” storm sewer pipe that we are supposed to tie-into via a new restrictor man hole (Sheet C300) to the west of the new pavement areas is actually 12” or 15” at the storm sewer outfall at the creek. Additional all existing storm sewer lines within the existing property appear to be 12” pipes. Please review and advise if we are to replace all of the pipe from the paved area to the storm sewer outfall with 24” pipe and if this will be impacted by the MWRD deep tunnel project.

A. ​The note on C300 and the narrative state that the line should be televised. The existing pipe condition is unknown, but the yard manager stated they thought this segment was collapsed. Impact by the Deep Tunnel project is unknown. The proposed pipe from the vault to the restrictor manhole was estimated 24” at the time of concept plans, but MWRD has revised their technical guidance manual since concept plans were completed (see RFI 74). The design build team should take the current MWRD WMO into account when sizing the storm system.

Q. ​If these are diesel type pumps, is there an underground storage tank for the diesel fuel?

A. ​Yes, there is an underground tank. The manholes at the visitor parking are the access to the underground tank. The existing tank is to remain.

Q. ​In the Amendment 1 plan set, sheet G0-1, General Bidding Note #8 states: All material from excavation that cannot be reused on site shall be stockpiled for use elsewhere, at a location indicated within ¼ mile of site or as indicated by representative. Does this mean we are not responsible for the monitoring, hauling and disposal of excavated material as CCDD or Subtitle D? IDOT will be fully responsible for this material?

A. ​Disregard this note. Follow the information in specification section 026113 and all soil reports provided to determine appropriate handling of excavated soil.

​Due to the current volatility of construction material costs and the extended schedule on potential contract award and eventually actual material procurement and onsite construction, please advise if material escalation costs will be paid by the owner.

A. ​CDB will not pay material escalation costs.

​Q. Are there sizes or pictures or specs or information on the existing fuel pumps?

A. ​The location and size of the fuel pump island is shown in the drawings per the survey. IDOT has provided additional information which will be distributed with the RFI response.

Q. ​Has there been a critical load analysis done (even if preliminary) to see what the occupied load(s) are on this future generator? Will be the full 800A?

A. ​An occupied load analysis has not been done. The system should be based on full load at 800A.

Q. ​Based on our site visit, it does not appear that there is high voltage power on the facility side of Joliet Road as shown on E1.10. The power pole appears to be on the other side of Joliet Road. Please clarify if we are to assume that ComED will bring the power (including all conduit and cabling) to the new transformer location within the project limits and we are only responsible for distribution from that point.

A. ​Contractor shall provide empty 4"PVC conduit with pull rope 36" below grade for primary electric cables per Commonwealth Edison requirements. All sweeps shall be long radius rigid galvanized steel type. Avoid damage to existing vegetation. Primary cables shall be provided by Commonwealth Edison Company. Design Builder is responsible for coordinating entire electrical service with Commonwealth Edison Company and conform to their requirements. Contractor shall bore conduits under existing Joliet Road as required.

Q. ​Please provide the Final Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) Report per Specification 026113, Section 3.11 Sealing Abandoned Wells in order to properly price this scope of work.

A. ​All PSI reports that are available have been provided, per previous RFI responses.

​Q. The one-line diagram on page E3.10 shows electrical to a generator connection box. Who is supplying the generator? Is the generator future? Natural gas or diesel?

A. ​It is our understanding that the generator would be a portable diesel generator that would be brought in and connected on an as needed basis.

Q. ​Per the Q&A responses posted on the CDB Design/Build website it is indicated that a modified design-build pricing schedule will be provided to accommodate the requested unit prices for the soil disposal costs. We received Amendment #001 and it does not appear to include an area for the requested unit price to be listed. Please advise.

A. ​A response to this question is provided above.

Q. ​Please confirm removal of USTs and any associated remediation is not in our scope of work.

A. ​Per previous RFI response, and as indicated in the bridging documents, the existing UST is not part of the scope of this project, and is to remain.

Q. ​Will we be feeding this tank as explosion proof?

A. ​Yes, per NFPA 30, 30A and NEC Article 500 requirements.

Q. ​On Sheet C300, the proposed sanitary sewer service appears to terminate at a proposed manhole in the center of driveway but an existing sanitary main is not shown within the vicinity on this sheet or on C100. What is the size and depth of the existing sanitary sewer main we are to tie into?

A. ​Refer to response above regarding the use of Existing Drawings, which have been distributed. Additional investigation is needed per note 3 on C300. There may be a closer connection point than the main, but that needs to be investigated by the design-build team. The service line should be sized appropriately per the current MWRD sanitary sewer requirements. JULIE info will also be distributed as part of this response.

Q. ​The revised Design-Build Pricing Schedule issued with Amendment 1 on 12/23/20, does not have an area for unit prices. Please advise if we are to modify the form or if an updated one will be issued?

A. ​Provide unit prices required by the documents on Offeror's Letterhead (dated and signed) as part of the Volume 1 submittal.

Q. ​Within the basis of design documents it is stated that the Manual transfer switch shall have the quick connects for a portable generator inside the unit for one complete item. On the Drawing E3.10 one line diagram, it appears to be indicating a manual transfer switch and the quick connects as two separate items. Please review and advise.

A. ​Utilize a Manual Transfer Switch with integral quick connects for a portable generator inside of the unit.

Updated February 3, 2021​

Q. ​Please clarify if we need to submit disclosures and standard business term paperwork for the Architect, Engineer, and Design Build Offeror in the Phase 2 submittal. These items were already submitted within the Phase 1 submittal.

A. ​Required Certifications and Disclosures must be provided for all firms listed on the DB-PTF even if they have been previously provided.

Q. ​Specification Section 10 51 13 Metal Lockers & Basis of Design document: Both documents indicate there are existing lockers to be removed and reinstalled, in addition to new supplemental lockers that should match the style and finish of the existing lockers. Is it possible to obtain a photograph of the existing lockers to be removed and reinstalled for confirmation of style and finish?

A. ​Photo has been distributed to the shortlisted teams.

Q. ​Is there a specification for the slide gates? Are they manual or automatic?

A. ​Gates are manual.

Q. ​What are the required milestones to submit design for review by CDB, User Agencies, Bridging Architect, 90%, 100% IFC?

A. ​On CDB's Design-Build projects coordination of the design is addressed during regular progress meetings. There are no required milestones where design documents are submitted for "approval".

Q. The basis of design says “includes a manual transfer switch with integral quick connects for the connection of a portable generator”. The one-line diagram show those as separate items. Please advise on what we should include. Per the drawings or per the BOD?

A. ​A response to this question is provided above.

​The Basis of Design, dated May 6, 2020, states in 4.4 Building Envelope Characteristics “Exterior Wall Framing at Vehicle Bays: Insulated CMU up to 8’-6” with Insulated Metal Wall Panels above. CMU and IMP design,,,”. The bridging document drawing show a non-insulated metal panel. The project manual references “Metal Panel” not an insulated metal panel. Are insulated metal panels required?

A. ​Details of the wall materials and finishes are up to the design-build team as long as they meet the performance and maintenance requirements for the use of the space.

Q. Please confirm the MBE/WBE/VBE percentages for construction will be calculated based on the Pricing Schedule column F total (not including design or CAF fees)

A. ​The CAF is not included in the amount when determining the level of participation to meet the goal(s). Design goals are separate from construction goals.

Q. ​The Q&A responses from December 17, 2020 indicate that we have to get a building permit from the Village of McCook and they need to provide inspections this project. Please clarify if this is correct, as we have always been told that CDB projects are on State Property and do not require building permits from local municipalities (only the State Plumbing inspector provides inspections on the project). This will also affect our on-site costs for the A/E team, as we thought that the design team does inspections since there are no building permits for projects on State Property.

A. ​CDB is the governing authority. However, drawings need to be submitted to the Village of McCook as a courtesy and the D-B team will need to cooperate and coordinate with the village - specifically for utility connections. Permits and inspections are required at the state and county level. Other agencies like MWRD will also require separate reviews and permits. D-B team are responsible for obtaining all permits and inspections that are required by applicable jurisdictions.

Q. ​Please clarify how the Construction Administration Fee (CAF) is to be calculated. Section 011100 – Project Summary section 6 states “the contractor will be assessed 3% of their awarded contract plush any awarded alternates” but the Pricing Schedule provided has formulas that calculate the fee and they do not include any Design costs. Please confirm it will be per the Pricing Schedule formulas.

A. ​See the response above that was provided on 1/25/2021. The CAF for design costs is to be calculated as previously noted and included on line 7 of the DB-PTF (page 1).

Q. ​Basis of Design document indicates plumbing work falls under Illinois Plumbing Code but Bridging Document plans indicates work falls under Chicago Plumbing Code. Which plumbing code is applicable?

A. ​Whichever is the most stringent on any specific item.

Q. ​Specification Section 09 65 13 Resilient Base and Accessories: The room finish schedule indicates vinyl base, but the project manual shows Type TS rubber base. Please clarify which material is required.

A. ​D-B teams can select/propose finishes.

Q. ​Specification Section 12 24 13 Roller Window Shades: Is there a % Open Factor that is desired for the weave of the shade cloth material?

A. ​This can be determined by the D-B team as appropriate for each space.

Q. ​Project Manual, Outline Specifications, Section 07 54 19 – PVC-KEE Membrane Roofing: Does the low-slope roof over the center portion of the building really need a vapor retarder?

A. ​Yes.

Q. ​Masonry Related - Note 3 on A1-1 indicates that the shaker room is to be acoustically separated. Please provide the basis of design for the acoustically separated shaker room.

A. ​Per the partition types shown on A2-2, STC 60 is called for where acoustic requirements are indicated. It is up to the design-builder to determine how to accomplish the acoustic separation.

Q. ​The slide gate shows 8' high and the new fence shows it being 6' high, please clarify.

A. ​Gate to be 6' high to match the fence.

​Documents show (2) 12' rolling gates at the north and south entrances. Appears there will not be enough room to the south (bottom of the page) of the south gate and north (top of the page) of the north gate to roll beyond the entrance. Would it be acceptable to provide (2) 24' gates, 1 at each entrance?

A. ​IDOT wants pairs of gates because a single gate is too heavy and difficult to operate.

Q. ​Please clarify if we need to list all the Engineering firms on the DB-PTF for the Phase II submittal (or if we can just list the Architect for both Architect and Engineer). There is not enough room to list them all and they all were already listed in the Phase 1 submittal.

A. ​Yes, all design consultants and major subcontractors should be identified on the DB-PTF (or an attachment if necessary).

Q. ​How long will CDB, User Agencies, Bridging Architect take to provide comments?

A. ​See response to question above.

Q. ​Details of the interior of the Storage Bay, Wash Bay, and Maintenance Bay show verticle lines that may indicate a metal liner is to be installed at the interior of these areas. Please confirm the intent is to install metal linear panels at the interior of the PEMB.

A. ​Details of the wall materials and finishes are up to the design-build team as long as they meet the performance and maintenance requirements for the use of the space.

Q. ​Regarding CDB Division 00 and 01 Specifications: We looked at CDB's online library of documents and saw CDB documents for Single Prime Contractor and for Multiple Contractors. We did not see Division 00 and 01 for Design/Build. Is there such a series?

A. ​There is not. If division 00 or 01 sections are required the Single Prime versions would be the most applicable.

Q. ​Is there a mixer motor (oscillating type) at the tank location to prevent fuel separation? If so, what is the size of this motor?

A. ​No, IDOT does not have anything like that.

Q. ​The Room Finish Schedule and Basis of Design document identify a non-slip broadcast epoxy floor coating system for multiple areas, however, there is no specification section provided in the project manual. Will a specification be provided?

​A. No. The D-B team can select this finish.

Q. ​Are landscape drawings and specs available?

A. ​No. See response provided above.

Q. ​What is the shop drawing review duration by CDB, User Agencies and Bridging Architect?

A. ​Shop drawings are submitted to CDB for informational purposes only. Responsibility for approval and compliance with intent rests with the Design-Build entity.

Q. ​An interior color board is required for the Phase II, Volume 3 submittal, however, the Basis of Design document indicates that the color selections for all floor materials and interior paints are to be made by the using agency. Please clarify what is to be provided on the color board, prior to obtaining using agency review. Is it the intent to refine the proposed color selections at a later date?

​A. D-B teams to propose colors/materials on color board in Phase II submittal. While it is expected that most if not all proposed colors will be accepted by the user it may be possible that an alternative color from the same price point could be requested.

Q. ​Project Manual (Outline Specifications): On page 1 of 85 (page 119 of the PDF) of the Outline Specifications, Divisions 00, 01, and 02, There's a note "Design Builder: Produce all required specifications as required for the project." Are we correct that this is a requirement for the construction documents produced by the Design Builder that CDB ultimately selects, and not a requirement for the Phase II submittal?

A. ​You are correct.

Q. ​Phase II Technical Proposal, Outline Specifications: Under the various design disciplines, the RFP specifies "a list of specifications proposed for use in the design, if the section is not provided in this RFP." Are we correct in interpreting this list as the Project Manual Table of Contents, supplemented by the remaining CDB Division 00 and Division 01 document titles, plus any other spec section titles we think are necessary after review of the Bridging Documents?

A. ​You are correct.

Q. ​Project Manual, Outline Specifications, Section 08 70 00 – Hardware: Paragraph A, third line mentions spherical knobs. Drawing notes on A5.1 specify lever handles only. We're assuming the drawing is correct, and that lever handles are required for all doors?

A. ​Yes. Follow the drawings and use lever handles for all doors to ensure accessibility.
